We Did This For Our Customers!

We Did This For Our Customers!

Revealing the Secrets to Captivating Customers!

As part of a monthly campaign to encourage free participation for GloBiz people to lightly and easily cultivate the CS mindset,
a CS campaign was held under the theme of ‘My Secret to Captivate Customers’ in March.
Shared here are the great results and contents ─ so how about applying these to your work?
Here are the best tips for customer service by the teams.


Revealing the Secrets to Captivating Customers!

As part of a monthly campaign to encourage free participation for GloBiz people to lightly and easily cultivate the CS mindset,
a CS campaign was held under the theme of ‘My Secret to Captivate Customers’ in March.
Shared here are the great results and contents ─ so how about applying these to your work?
Here are the best tips for customer service by the teams.