Hyundai Glovis x SM Entertainment’s Eco-green Collaboration!
Pick up trash, go for walks, and volunteer to clean up Seongsu-dong

Hyundai Glovis and SM Entertainment, that made Seongsu-dong “greener” last year, joined forces again this year. On May 14, the two companies held a volunteer environmental cleanup activity to clean up Seongsu-dong, promote socialization, and take care of their health through outdoor activities. From the deep green leaves in the sky to the stones on the streets, we take a look at the scene where everything was fresh.

On May 14 at 3 p.m., 30 employees from neighboring companies Hyundai Glovis and SM Entertainment gathered at Seoul Forest Family Yard to participate in the Seongsu-dong environmental cleanup. Plogging is a word that combines the Swedish word plocka up, meaning “to pick up,” and the English word jogging, meaning “to run,” and refers to the act of jogging while picking up trash. Plocka up, also known as scavenging, is a CSR activity that protects the environment and is a rewarding way to stay fit.

After confirming their attendance, participants received company-specific activity vests, plogging kits, and keychains recycled from banners used at NCT concerts. The whipping kit consisted of neck gloves, bamboo tongs, garbage bags, and eco-friendly bamboo toothbrushes and toothpaste for picking up litter.

Cheon Se-eun, who organized the CSR program, said, “The small movements of employees volunteering to clean up the environment will make a big difference for the planet.” She hoped it would be a valuable experience for employees of both companies. Won Young-duk, Senior Vice President of the Communication Team at Hyundai Glovis, added, “We hope it will be a meaningful and enjoyable day to get to know not only our own employees, but also employees from other companies through volunteer environmental cleanup activities.”

Before getting down to plogging, they played an icebreaker trivia game. Each company had to answer questions about the other, and the correct answers were rewarded with prizes such as eco-friendly scrubbers and soap kits.

After the icebreaker, the participants were divided into six teams and started the Seongsu-dong environmental cleanup volunteer activity. Each team’s mission was to collect the most trash and take a group photo. For about an hour and a half, participants walked through Seoul Forest, Seongsu-dong Alley, and the headquarters neighborhood, picking up cigarette butts, plastic bottles, and cardboard boxes wherever they saw them.

Although the participants were familiar with the neighborhood of their companies, it was new to see the scenery while enjoying the pleasant May weather. Participants also had the opportunity to talk with their co-workers about little things they don’t normally talk about, ask questions about the other company, and get to know them better. It didn’t take long, but the participants’ garbage bags were full.

The participants returned to the Seoul Forest Family Yard one by one and weighed the trash in order. The team that collected the most trash was Team 6, which collected a whopping 23.35 kilograms while walking around the headquarters. This was about six times more than the group that collected the least, 4 kilograms. Everyone applauded and congratulated the first place team.

The winner of the group photo was the heart-shaped team of three. Although they didn’t win, each team member was pleased with the process of capturing their personalities and ideas. One participant had an amazing memory and memorized the names of all the team members who had been together for a short time. The team that collected the most garbage and the team with the best group photo received a drip coffee set made by a social enterprise that employs people with disabilities, and the team that memorized the names of their teammates received SM candles selected by singers BoA and Kangta.

Participants took a souvenir group photo and separated the trash they collected. The day ended in the Glovis cafeteria, followed by lunch and a business card drawing.

Participants were able to experience the plogging event, help clean up the local community, and bond with each other. It was a special time filled with rewarding experiences that emphasized the importance of the environment, the fulfillment of volunteerism, and fun networking.

“This is my first time volunteering for a cleanup, and my teammates and I wanted to help clean up the trails we walk every day.”

“I understand the importance of protecting the environment, but the best thing I can do is recycle, and if I clean up Seoul Forest today, I’ll get my money’s worth.”

“Since college, I’ve been involved in plogging, volunteering at dog centers, and volunteering overseas. I’m looking forward to doing a good job and making friends with the Hyundai Glovis staff today.”

“My friend from SM Entertainment encouraged me to participate and I didn’t even know what plogging was, but I enjoyed it and I would like to participate in other volunteer activities organized by the company in the future.”

– Manager Kang Hyun

“I feel like I’ve gotten to know the neighborhoods I work in through my plogging, and I’ve always been curious about the basement cafeteria at Hyundai Glovis, but I’m here today as a representative of my coworkers, so I’ll give it a try and report back.”

– Seoyeon Kim

“As the baseball player Otani said, you don’t pick up trash, you pick up happiness. I participated in the cleanup last year, and I pick up trash during my lunch break, and I think a lot of good things come out of it. I hope other people can experience plogging and make connections.

“I won a prize for memorizing my teammate’s name, and we took four shots of our lives together, so hopefully we can connect when we get the chance.”

“I felt that the fountain near the Eastern Leisure Center was particularly clean, and I felt that people’s civic consciousness was high and that I should practice plogging in my daily life. It was also interesting to talk to people from different industries. Thanks to the relevant departments of both companies for creating such a good opportunity.

“It’s not just about picking up trash, it’s about serving the community where my company is located. It’s also been fun to work with SM Entertainment and make new connections.”

By Editorial Department