An all-rounder who leads the strategy and planning of the Shipping business! Shipping Business Strategy Team

The Shipping Business Strategy Team promotes the competitiveness and sustainable growth of Hyundai Glovis’ shipping business. We introduce the Shipping Business Strategy Team, which plans a big picture of strategies for the mid- to long-term growth of the shipping business.

(From left) Senior Manager Choi Ho, Senior Manager Lee In-gi, Senior Manager Woo Tae-gyu, Manager Yu Ju-hyeon, Senior Manager Kim Yeong-rok, Team leader Hong Cheol-hui, Manager Lee Seung-ju, Senior Manager Jang Won-il, Manager Park Jun-yeop, Senior Manager Ahn Hyeon-jin, Senior Manager Yun Won-deok, Manager Shin Jun-seong

The Shipping Business Strategy Team is leading the way in strengthening the competitiveness and sustainable expansion of Hyundai Glovis‘ shipping business. As part of this, the team is continuously expanding its scope of work by spinning off an environmental response TF, making maritime staff full-time, and adding new maritime staff management tasks

“We have a strategy for the shipping division to grow in the medium to long term, and we are actively supporting the transportation business of car cabins and bulk carriers to perform well. We are also doing our best to develop the human resources within the division.” 

Hong Chul-hee, Team leader of the Shipping Business Strategy Team, said the team’s goal is to drive sustainable growth in the shipping business. 

Currently, the Shipping Business Strategy Team consists of four W/Gs that support the Shipping Business Subdivision’s primary business of PCTC and bulk carriers transporting. The Planning W/G is responsible for establishing the strategy of the Shipping Division and advising and supporting various related departments for the smooth operation of the shipping business; 

The S&P W/G is responsible for managing the competitiveness of the fleet by investing in new vessels, scrapping old vessels, and buying and selling used vessels; the Research W/G is responsible for researching the shipping market and external affairs; and Maritime Personnel W/G responsible for maintaining the governance of G-Marine Service, a ship management subsidiary, and managing the company’s maritime employees. 

In particular, the Research W/G is actively engaged in market analysis and forecasting for the shipping business. Based on continuous market monitoring and various simulations, we build consensus among organizations to establish mid- to long-term strategies for the shipping business and suggest the direction to take. Based on these efforts, we also make major investments such as various vessels and scrubbers. 

Actively support the shipping business to do well

As the strategic team of the shipping division, we will strive to establish a mature organizational culture based on Lifestyle 2.0. 

Hong stresses the importance of the team working well together. “We expect our team members to support each other and create synergy when the situation calls for it. So far, the team is doing a good job in the tasks we are targeting, such as ordering new carriers and purchasing tankers, so I would like to praise them and I will actively support the team to work well.” 

Please tell us about yourself

Please tell us about the work of your W/G.

Let me tell you first. The Planning W/G is responsible for managing the business performance and mid- to long-term business of the Shipping Business Subdivision, managing the organization and organizational processes of the shipping division, and performing corporate planning tasks and business unit planning tasks.

S&P W/G, performs a variety of tasks, but his main responsibilities are related to the ordering of new ships and the purchase and sale of used ships. To accomplish this, we collaborate with various departments within the company and constantly communicate with shipyards, shipowners, and brokers.

The Research W/G is responsible for conducting research and other tasks related to the shipping market. As a shipping market researcher, you will be responsible for preparing monthly and quarterly reports on car carriers, dry bulk, crude oil, gas, etc. I’m also responsible for communicating internal and external market conditions, collaborating on business projects and sharing industry information. I also work with internal and external related departments such as Policy Support, Public Relations, ESG-CSR and IR.

What are the latest issues related to your work?

I am in charge of business unit performance and various planning tasks in the Planning W/G. Recently, I worked hard to prepare for and participate in ‘Break Bulk Europe 2024’ (BBE2024), starting with planning and budget discussions for the event, and then reviewing and preparing all aspects of the event, including booth contracts, staffing, and travel plans.  

As you may have heard from recent articles and revelations, Hyundai Glovis has ordered six new PCTC Tonnage. There was a tense tug-of-war with the Chinese shipyard over the terms of the construction contract, but in the end we reached a win-win agreement. In addition, there are many new ship deliveries this year, and our W/G is organizing ship-related events for the CEO and other guests, so everyone is busy.

Recently, I have been working on comparing and analyzing our company and other shipping companies with respect to PCTC, and reviewing and analyzing data related to new business for wind turbine installation vessels with bulk carrier divisions. 

Planning, research and S&P work require a macro perspective, how do you ensure this?

It’s a bit overwhelming to think of it as a macro perspective, but in short, I try to get a broader range of information. In simple terms, I look for articles about big news related to shipping, global issues, technological leaps, and new technologies. I also often watch humanities and science YouTube channels that cover a variety of past and future perspectives, which helps me directly and indirectly.

In my research, I keep up with international and social issues as well as the economy, so I’m always on the lookout for related news and my subscriptions. 

I try to keep abreast of the latest newbuilding orders and secondhand transactions, as well as the quality material produced by our research team. I also try to meet with S&P’s specialized brokers to gain access to advanced information that is not publicly available in the marketplace, and I try to attend shipping and shipbuilding conferences whenever possible. 

What are the challenges of doing your job?

When I receive a research request that is unfamiliar to me or with limited information, I find it time consuming and requires a lot of effort. 

I think the strategy teams of each business unit, including the planning W/G, will agree, but I think communication is the most important and difficult thing because all business chains are built on communication.

There are many challenges in coordinating the interests of internal and external customers, including related departments, shipyards, and customers. The age of a new ship is more than 25 years and the amount of money is huge, so there is a lot of pressure to make decisions. 

Your job often requires coordination and collaboration across business units – how do you do it? If you have any tips, please share them.

If it’s good for the company, we try to persuade (=beg) each other to make small concessions and understand each other, so that we can coordinate ^^. 

In the end, I tend to be more open to sharing because I believe that the person I’m talking to and I both work for the company. If the conversation gets stuck, I think it’s because we haven’t talked enough or we haven’t started the conversation that we really need to start.

We provide factual information and opinions whenever possible, and coordinate with relevant departments before sharing information.

When has your work been the most rewarding?

If I were to compare the role of the strategy team to a painting, it would be like the background, and I would be Tree 3 in the painting, which is the shipping Business Subdivision. Sometimes even the trees are encouraged to fight, and when I recently came back from BBE2024, I felt that I had paid off when I heard the words, “You did a great job preparing.

It’s rewarding to feel that things are moving in a good direction because you’ve convinced and coordinated a lot of people, and it’s heartwarming to see the maiden voyage of a new ship after the recent acquisition of a new ship, complete with all the events and acquisition work involved.

It’s gratifying to hear that our fact-checking and input has been helpful in the collaboration.

What is your favorite memory of working on the Shipping Business Strategy team?

Personally, I prepare for the monthly management strategy meeting. I’ve been doing this for over a year, and it’s easy to get lazy because of the nature of my job, but it’s always a tense and focused job because I have to translate and aggregate the performance of my business unit’s offensive and defensive colleagues to the company-wide board every month. 

It was also an impressive experience to be on the same level and have good colleagues to share opinions and create tasks together. I remember the first meeting after I joined the team in March 2023, which included karaoke. 

I was also impressed with the team dinners. At first I thought the team members would be academic and quiet, but I was surprised by the team dinners. I think it’s great that they work hard at work and work even harder at play.

What do you see as the strengths or competitive advantages of the Shipping Business Strategy Team?

The competitive advantage of the Shipping Business Strategy Team is to achieve common business unit goals through continuous and diverse communication with the relevant departments. 

The Shipping Business Strategy Team is a well-organized “jazz band,” with different W/Gs with different personalities playing solos on different instruments. At first glance, it seems like a cacophony, but if you concentrate for a while, it makes your body shake, so when you see the team members working, you feel like you’re listening to jazz. 

I would say flexibility and variety. I am always exposed to a variety of tasks outside of my core responsibilities and am able to communicate with different departments and people. As a result, I think I’ve gained a lot of personal experience and broadened my horizons.

What are your plans and goals for 2024?

We have a number of new ship naming ceremonies throughout the year, which we hope will go smoothly, and we wish you a healthy year.

My goal for this year is to finish the work I’ve done and the work I’m going to do. On a personal level, I’m going to start studying languages and working out.

My professional and personal goals are the same: to find a more specific answer to the question, “What is my purpose? It’s important to work hard at what you do, but I want to find the answer to what you really want to do with your life.

Finally, do you have any words for the employees of Hyundai Glovis?

I admire all the seniors and juniors who always work hard in their respective positions. If we have the opportunity to work together someday, we will have a great time communicating with each other!

I hope you always have a healthy and smiling day. Have a great day!

I hope you have a great summer and a healthy year ahead.
