See the world on two wheels
The bike dongeuli is ‘ARC’

From tricycles to adult two-wheelers, ARC members ride with their work colleagues to keep fit and socialize. Cycling is a great hobby because it allows you to feel speed while enjoying the natural scenery. As ARC members pedal vigorously, we join them on a child’s journey.

The Autobiz Riders Club (ARC) had humble beginnings. It started in early 2020 with team members from the Autobiz Business Group interested in cycling. As the number of members grew, it was registered as a company-wide dongeuli. Don’t let the name of the dongeuli fool you into thinking that only members of the Auto-Biz Business Group can join. The Dongleuli is open to all Glovis employees.

Members take care of their physical and mental health while cycling, exploring nearby attractions and restaurants, and socializing with each other. Ride routes are decided case-by-case, depending on the season, riding time, and number of participants. The ARC is a group of beginners who focus on Chabang rides (relatively easy rides at around 25km/h). Although they are less good than the professionals, they are also active in public activities. They take part in the Gran Fondo (a long-distance cycling event) twice a year, and on 1 June, they took part in the Gapyeong Jara Island Gran Fondo.

Cycling is a fun and rewarding exercise, even when done alone. However, Lee Kyu-chang, Senior Manager of dongeuli, said, “It is significant to ride somewhere with a group of people. By keeping an eye on the members in front and behind you and keeping up with each other’s pace, you can go further and longer with less effort than if you were riding alone.

“Our ‘ARC’ is a friendly circle where you don’t have to have a bike, you don’t have to be a rider, you don’t have to be a cyclist to eat and socialize with us – in fact, it’s a friendly circle where you can meet and laugh over a meal and not feel out of place at all, even if none of you have ever ridden together before, haha. We’re also proud to say that our membership fees are stacked”!

For this reason, ARC hopes to grow into a famous circle that anyone can easily join and reminisce about their childhood memories of riding a bike rather than just a group of so-called bike geeks.
This year, we are planning a group ride in Chuncheon. If I get the chance, I’ll also try to do the East Coast Tour. It is a privilege and joy that only ARC members can enjoy experiencing the feeling of riding along the Coastal Cycle Route with fellow members, not alone.

How did you get into cycling?

During my first year at university, I participated in a national cycling pilgrimage organized by my friend’s school. Riding a bike while sleeping on the road for a week was very hard, but it was an unforgettable experience. After that, I had a vague nostalgia for bicycles, and when I moved to an area with a good cycling environment, I started riding seriously.

What is it about cycling that appeals to you?

The simple act of riding with the wind is appealing enough, especially in the early morning air. The fact that I can go places I would normally drive to under my own power is also quite appealing. It’s hard work, but the sense of achievement is immense, and that’s what cycling is all about.

Do you have a favorite story about the Dongeuli in action?

I remember the ride to Chuncheon, where we were all very motivated and decided to do a spontaneous ride shortly after we started the cycling dongeuli. It was tough because we weren’t prepared, but the ride along the Bukhangang River to Chuncheon was really beautiful and we felt really good when we arrived. Since then we’ve been going to Chuncheon once or twice a year.

Recommendation 1

The Hangang River Bike Path offers a delightful cycling experience, regardless of the route you choose. It’s conveniently located near the head office, so on a pleasant day, you can relish the night view while enjoying a bowl of Hangang River ramen, a perfect way to unwind after a satisfying ride.

Recommendation 2

We recommend following the Bukhangang River Bikeway to Dumulmu-ri in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi-do. It’s fun to cycle across the old Yangsu Railway Bridge, take photos, and eat the famous hot dogs at Dumulmeori. The road to Dumulmeori by car can get busy at weekends, but it’s quick. If you don’t feel like a long drive, you can take the train to Paldang station and ride your bike.

What is it about cycling that attracts you?

“Runner’s high” is the feeling you get when you’re in an extreme running state, and I think cycling is similar – there’s a satisfaction and joy that comes from riding when your thighs and heart feel like they’re about to explode.

Did the cycling dongeuli make a difference before and after your activity?

I’ve improved my essential physical fitness, although my sun spots have darkened due to cycling outdoors. Riding also relieves stress from work and home life. All in all, the Dongeuli has made me healthier in body and mind!

What kind of bike does ‘ARC’ ride?

We all ride road bikes for general roads and MTBs for mountain riding. There are many bike models, and I have a Trek model called ‘MADONE.’ I ride it well thanks to the transfer of a reasonable price from ‘ARC’ member Kim Sung-ho, the senior manager.

Do you have any memories of the Dongeuli in action?

I once rode about 100km to Chuncheon, and it was very hard for all the dongeuli members. I pushed him from behind to help him, but he pushed me back, and I hit the side railing. My bike and clothes were damaged, and I suffered a laceration. It inspired me to ride safely and not be ‘naughty’.

The essential items you need to have on your bike are a helmet, goggles, gloves, front and rear lights, and a water bottle.
Other essentials include bib shorts, a jersey, cleats, a speedometer, a dash cam, and a tool kit. Once you’ve got that, you don’t need to spend anything else.

Since the dongle often goes to restaurants during the activity, what are the members’ ‘favourite dishes’?

The most popular menu is ramen noodles from the Hangang River Convenience Store. It’s delicious while riding around the Hangang River riding course and enjoying the cool river breeze. We usually meet early on Saturday mornings, but most have families and children, so we must go home early. I like the ramen at Hangang River Convenience Store because it’s quick and tasty.

What is the appeal of cycling?

The beauty of cycling is that you can exercise in just an hour or two. You can go further than you think with minimal effort and don’t feel sore afterward. It’s an aerobic workout from start to finish so you won’t feel sore after a long ride.

Can you introduce us to our ‘ARC’?

The ARC comprises intermediate to low ability members, so if you’re new to cycling, you can join us. It’s always fun to get together regularly for a good meal.

Do you have any memories of the Dongeuli in action?

I remember going to Jeongok Port in the West Sea on an obvious day with a beautiful sea view. It was a long and challenging journey, starting with a flat tire and ending with rain on the way back, but it remains a pleasant memory.

What do you hope the Dongeuli bike will do for your activity?

I don’t usually do much for my health, so I’ve been trying to get fit by riding once a week, including the ‘ARC’ activities.

What are the top two or three tips for beginners on cycling etiquette?

Wearing a helmet is a must when cycling. It’s also good to learn simple hand signals such as left/right/stop/bump that are necessary when riding.

What activities would you like to try at the ARC in the future?

There are so many different courses you can ride around the Hangang River, such as the Heart Course, the Coat Hanger Course, and the Dragon Course, and I would love to ride each of them with the members.

Do you have any tips on how to make cycling more fun?

There are many competitions for cycling enthusiasts throughout the year. If you participate in these competitions, you can experience how your mind and body become stronger in preparing for the competition. The feeling of achievement when you finish is indescribable. I have participated in the Gran Fondo on Yangpyeong, Yangyang, and Gapyeong Jara Island, and they are all memorable moments.

By Editorial Department